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Article of the week
Unicef UK produces a regular resource ‘Article of the Week’ for Rights Respecting Schools which helps us to learn about the different Articles from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and includes information to read, videos to watch and a range of activities to try.
This week’s Article of the Week
More Articles of the Week will be posted from September 2021.
Previous Articles of the Week
Sport – Article 31 (rest, play, culture and arts)
World Refugee Day – Article 10 (family reunification) and Article 22 (refugee children)
Justice – Article 40 (juvenile justice)
Health and a Clean Environment – Article 24 (health, water, food and environment)
Education – Article 29 (aims of education)
Participation – Article 12 (respect for children’s views) and Article 13 (freedom of expression):
Earth Hour – Article 6 (life, survival and development), Article 12 (respect for children’s views) and Article 24 (health, water, food and environment):
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Article 2 (non-discrimination), Article 12 (respect for children’s views) and Article 30 (minority culture, language and religion):
International Women’s Day – Article 2 (non-discrimination) and Article 28 (right to education):
World Book Day – Article 17 (access to information), Article 29 (aims of education) and Article 31 (rest, play, culture and arts):
LGBT+ History Month – Article 2 (non-discrimination) and Article 13 (freedom of expression):
Rest, Play, Culture and Arts – Article 31 (rest, play, culture and arts):
Unicef UK Rights Respecting School Award
We are very proud to announce that as of May 2021 St Edward’s Church of England Academy has now achieved the Silver Rights Respecting School Award.
The assessor’s full report can be found via the link below, but these are the highlights:
“Pupils had a good awareness of rights and were able to share a wide range of articles that they knew they were entitled to. They understood that rights were from birth, were unconditional and for every child around the world. They were able to link global issues such as poverty, natural disasters, climate change and wars as reasons why some children may not be able to experience their rights. One pupil said, “It’s not fair that some children go without…we need to have every school teaching about rights so everyone knows them and can stand up for them.”
“Pupils are learning about rights through assemblies, class conversations and topic work, particularly through key curriculum areas such as RE, PSHE and English. It was clear that the school are committed to ensuring every child has a happy, safe, nurturing school experience. The Headteacher, staff and parent governor spoken with understood the role that RRSA had played in whole school improvement. The Headteacher said, “It links in with everything we do…our ethical framework and our values of respect. Relationships are strong…we work to find a way to support every child…it’s palpable, that fuzzy feeling you can’t quite measure…but you know it’s there. It’s showing care and compassion.”
“Relationships across the school are strong. The school places the inclusion of all pupils high on their agenda, as evidenced with their recent successful Stonewall Award for their diversity and inclusive curriculum while actively encouraging pupils to challenge stereotypes and negative behaviours.”
“Pupils’ social and emotional wellbeing is a priority, and something the school have particularly focused on during the pandemic. Pupils recently engaged in Mental Health Awareness Week, Anti-Bullying Week and Online Safety Week and have been learning about healthy lifestyles and healthy choices. Pupils are active participants in their own learning and supported to track their progress.”
The Rights Respecting School Award puts children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.
Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting School Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.
The Rights Respecting School Award recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond.
As a Rights Respecting School, pupils at St Edward’s Academy are treated as equals by their fellow pupils and by the adults in the school. Pupils are involved in how we move towards gaining the Gold Award, as well as in strategic decision-making about their learning and in views about their wellbeing. A key focus is to ensure that pupils become active and involved in school life and the wider world. This builds their confidence to make informed decisions.
By becoming more familiar with the Articles of the Convention, pupils develop a moral framework based on equality and respect for all. Through role play, debates and conflict resolution, the rights and principles of the Convention are used to consider moral situations and rights-respecting solutions. Led by our RRS Ambassadors and steering group, pupils and adults work together to take part in campaigns and activities that develop awareness of social justice to bring about change.
M-Y-Voice Staffordshire Moorlands
M-Y-Voice is a youth led steering group made up of young people aged 10-25 from all over the Staffordshire Moorlands which will allow you to build relationships with decision makers and inspire other young people to take action and have a say in their community as well as their future.
You can get involved in one of the local Youth Committee Groups (YCGs) to have a say on what is important to young people. You will have the incredible opportunity to travel all over the UK, meet new people, and develop a whole range of skills which will look great on your CV including: communication skills, teamwork, organising events and leadership. You will also have the opportunity to grow your network and lead on campaigns that could make a difference to young people across the Staffordshire Moorlands.
Do you want to create a bright future for all young people? Do you want to have your say on the issues that are important to you? Then M-Y-Voice is for you!
If you are interested in having a say and feel that you can help your community and other young people, please look out for the next round of applications (the last round of applications took place in May 2021).
Please note that this project is organized by a third party and not by St Edward’s Academy.