Pastoral Care

Here at St Edwards’ Church of England Academy, the happiness and well-being of our pupils is paramount. We strive to create an environment, which supports and nurtures pupils to achieve their full potential academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We operate a Key Stage system which is lead by our pastoral leaders: Mrs Mulroy (KS3)

When pupils join us in Year 5 they are assigned to a tutor group, where they will remain for Key Stage 2. Pupils are then assigned a new tutor group in Year (Key Stage 3)

Each tutor group is in competition with each other to achieve the highest number of achievement points and also the best attendance. Our pastoral system allows pupils the opportunity to be rewarded for their efforts and achievements in all areas. At the end of each term we have a reward assembly where we celebrate pupil’s success both individually and collectively as a school.

Each tutor group has a school council member who is invited to meetings to discuss and get involved in how the Academy is run. This allows pupils a voice to communicate the thoughts and feelings of their peers, as well as having an influence on decisions that are being made.

We at St Edwards’ Church of England Academy, pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, which celebrates, supports and respects the talents and potential of every pupil. Here we all journey together in order to learn through faith, grow through hope and achieve through love, allowing all to live life to the full.

St Edward’s Academy Rules

Respect1. Be respectful to all members of our school community and everything in it.2. Respect others’ opinions, belongings and personal space.3.Use polite language and manners when talking with peers and staff and always tell the truth.

Hope1. Believe in your potential and your ability to achieve2. Be positive and promote a hopeful outlook for each other every day.3.Work hard and aspire to be the best that you can be.

Courage1. Have courage to do the right thing and speak up, even when it is difficult.2. Embrace opportunities and take risks in your learning.3. Be resilient and persevere when you are faced with challenges.

Friendship1. Be a good friend by listening, offering help, and showing empathy.2. Create inclusive and supportive relationships with your peers.3. Celebrate diversity and appreciate the unique qualities of each individual in our school.

Pastoral Team

Mr. J Simm – Vice Principal (DDSL)
Mrs H Matthews – Inclusion Manager (DDSL)
Mrs C Mulroy – KS2 Pastoral Leader
Mrs E Moss – KS2 Pastoral Leader
Mrs T Robinson – Pastoral Support

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