When educational materials are found around the school they are always returned to the appropriate department. Any queries about missing educational materials should be made to the appropriate Faculty Leader.
Items of clothing (uniform or PE kits) are brought to the lost property store. If the items have names in them, then we will try to return the items to the relevant child. After two attempts to return the property to the child we will inform the parent. We have had some incidents where a pupil (or parent) does not accept that the item is their property even when it seems to have their child’s name in it.
Unnamed items and refused items are kept in our lost property store for a short period of time. We dispose of unclaimed property to charity run by one of our local Churches.
To reclaim lost property: please phone reception and leave details of what is missing. We will then search our lost property and see if we can find an item which matches the description. If we are unsure about an item then we will invite you to come and see the lost property so that you can confirm whether the item is yours or not.