Our aim in Music is to create an inspiring environment that allows all pupils to flourish. We equip our learners with a love of learning and the confidence to explore our subject. Our broad and balanced curriculum allows for all pupils to progress in our subject, providing the opportunity for all pupils to reach their potential.
Key stage 2
At Key Stage 2 pupils begin to learn the basic principles of music. They learn to read the notes of the treble clef stave and they learn the rhythms of semibreve, mini, crotchet and quaver. They also learn how to understand dotted rhythms. At Key Stage 2 pupils also learn about different types of scales and take thins knowledge forward into chords. Pupils begin to learn instrumental skills on the keyboard, glockenspiel and glockenspiel. Pupils also spend time singing and learning simple ways to harmonise.
Key Stage 3
In this Key Stage pupils take what they have learned in Key Stage 2 and build on it. They develop their knowledge about chords into simple chord sequences. Pupils learn about more complicated scales and how to use them. Pupils learn about swing rhythms, syncopation and cross rhythms. Pupils develop their knowledge of different style and types of music. They continue to use the keyboards, glockenspiels and ukuleles but may also use guitar, bass guitar, drum kit and djembes.
The three key strands of Music (performing, composing and listening) are assessed each year. Pupils are asked to play music of a variety of instruments which is then assessed in terms of accuracy, fluency and musicality. Composition work is assessed against a given brief and pupils have scope to express themselves through their own creations. Listening work is assessed as pupils listen to a variety of pieces of music in different styles. The grades for each of these strands are then used to create the pupils end of year grade.
PERI lessons are available to all pupils for a range of instruments such as piano, violin, drums, guitar, clarinet and saxophone.
Young Voices.
The opportunity to perform at school events such as church services.