Our goal at St Edward’s is to motivate, inspire and guide pupils to build and discover their mathematical knowledge and in doing so, embed that knowledge in order to ensure it may be applied fluently to all aspects of ‘learning for life’. We strive to encourage pupils to become independent and ambitious towards their future learning and employment. This journey is one we take together, pupil and staff alike, o that we may learn through faith, grow through hope and achieve through love (Corinthians 13:13), allowing all to live life in its fullness (John 10:10).
In Maths we focus on a small steps approach breaking down each topic to both aide and deepen the knowledge and understanding of each topic. Using a wide range of manipulatives and scaffolding we ensure that all pupils are given the same surface of knowledge with different depths relating to each group.
We begin by being heavily focused on key numbers skills as we believe this is the foundation of all mathematical topics and to learn mathematics effectively some items need to be understood before others. E.g. a solid understanding of place value is needed before moving on to addition and subtraction. In our secondary curriculum we start with algebra, as this is a comparatively new topic and is key part of the national curriculum, we then balance future topics with revising the concepts in other areas so that pupils experience a balance of new key knowledge as well as consolidation and retrieval of previous skills.
Our curriculum is carefully ordered, shown on the learning journeys below, however we are constantly monitoring and adapting our scheme to keep up to date with the individualised need of each group or specific classes. We have developed our schema to ensure that pupils are revisiting, retrieving and applying previous topics to make connections to new knowledge and stimulate curiosity throughout the subject.
In mathematics we use a variety of assessment techniques such as whiteboards, group work, assessments, no risk assessments and many more.
Our aim in mathematics is to understand the knowledge each pupil has and identify any misconceptions quickly so they can be addressed and acted on to help every pupil achieve their individual goal.
Pupils will consider the views of others and understand the advantages and disadvantages of making decisions involving different careers and business in mathematics. Discussion regarding how data can be perceived or manipulated to affect others will be involved in lessons. We ensure that all pupils know their views count through all classroom discussion.
Pupils follow both school and classroom rules during all aspects of school life. These are adhered to and pupils understand the consequences if they are ignored. In lessons students are encouraged to think morally and to distinguish between right and wrong
Pupils are encouraged to make the right decision in all aspects of their career path and life choices. We actively encourage pupils to make good choices, understanding that they are in a safe, judgement free and supportive environment.
On a daily basis we promote tolerance and resilience by using a range of problem solving activities which build on understanding and drive pupils to find multiple ways of achieving a solution. We create an environment where pupils are encouraged to build on their mistakes and work together as a team to help each other thrive.
Pupils share view points and are constantly reminded of the respectful nature towards other in lessons. We encourage pupils to be open to mistakes and other members of the class to motivate and aid pupils in their learning journey. Positive criticism is promoted with the aim to create motivated, resilient, determined and respectful pupils in all aspects of their life.
Pupils recognise individual’s strength and support their development. Pupils are encouraged to embrace diversity and treat all others with respect, both in and out of the classroom. We encourage equality and diversity at every opportunity.
In mathematics we encourage pupils to delve deeper into how to understand maths and the relationship it has to the world around them. Pupils accept responsibility for their own actions and respect every member of the classroom consistently. They are encouraged to understand the consequences of their actions.
We strive to build confidence and resilience in all pupils. Pupils work as a group and understand that the whole class is a team. Mistakes and bravery are encouraged. Pupils are rewarded for effort and perseverance, not just correct answers.
We understand mathematics is a universal language and we explore different culture throughout the year. We appreciate personal influences and consider different views and teach pupil how to express their own opinions in a respectful way.
A few of the activities include investigating Rangoli patterns, Escher designs, Cadburys lessons, Lego room visits, Alan Turing Day, NSPCC Number Day, Natwest Visits, UKMT Maths Challenges, Westwood Visits, Census Lessons and a wide arrange of functional tasks.